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preservation of food meaning in Hindi

preservation of food sentence in Hindi

आहार परिरक्षण
preservation    परिरक्षण पालन
of    स् का की पर बाबत
food    आहार खाद्य खाना
1.Thus, many cooking techniques are conducive to the long-term preservation of food.

2.For example, most cooking techniques are aimed at long-term preservation of food.

3.Hydrostatic pressure has been used in the preservation of foods in a process called pascalization.

4.While the preservation of food in the freezing temperatures and dry climate has been noted, bacterial decay still occurs.

5.Salt was very important for the preservation of food and had to be stored in the driest place in the building.

6.The salt was then shipped to several ports in the Baltic region, where the commodity was relatively rare, but was in high demand for the preservation of food.

7.High fructose corn syrup is a preservative that has a high level of acidity and is often used by manufacturers in the preservation of food products, including apple butter.

8.The preservation of food was always a problem, but salting down vegetables and the use of wet sand packs for butter in summer ensured a reliable supply of household necessities.

9.In many years as a consultant to NASA, he looked into everything from cosmic rays'possible effects on space travelers ( he saw no cause for worry ) to the preservation of food.

10.The ice created and stored in yakhchal is used throughout the year especially during hot summer days for various purposes, including preservation of food, to chill treats, or to make faloodeh, the traditional Persian frozen dessert.

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How to say preservation of food in Hindi and what is the meaning of preservation of food in Hindi? preservation of food Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.